
Transformers Zone

In the distant future, an evil entity known as Violenjiger resurrects nine of the most feared generals in Destron history. While saving some inhabitants of a planet destroyed by these Destrons, Cybertron leader Victory Saber is seriously damaged. The leadership of the Cybertron forces is passed on to the heroic robot Dai-Atlas. Together with Sonic Bomber, Dai-Atlas must protect a mysterious crystal on Earth known as the "Zodiac" from falling into the hands of Violenjiger. (Source: ANN)
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Japanese: トランスフォーマーZ[ゾーン]
English: Transformers: Zone
Synonyms: Transformers Z
Country: Japanese
Aired: 1990-07-21 to ?
Premiered: Winter
Duration: 23 min
Status: Finished
MAL Score: 5.75
Genres: Sci-Fi Mecha

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